email completed Tournament form to aaron@moveministries.org
COURSE: Terrace Hill Golf Course, Altoona, Iowa
COST : $125 per participant
DATES : September 27th @ 9:00 a.m.
Join us for our 3rd MOVE Golf Tournament. It is 4-man best ball. You can come as a single and be paired up, or bring a four-some. There will be prizes, raffles and giveaways.
This is a fundraiser to support our project to build a school in Cambodia. All proceeds go towards our Building Materials. Ly and Sarin Mak started their school, Lifesong Learning Center in Tamada Villiage Cambodia in 2011. They have seen it grow to over 100 students. They are in desperate need of more classrooms. They provide a general education to their students and teach them Enlgish. They also provide classes to adults to train them in computer and sewing skills. Through their ministry they are helping families not give into the societal pressures of putting their children in the sex trade, that is prevalent there.
Your dollars help reach these families!
Teams should be set by September 15th. A lunch will be provided.
We welcome any and all Sponsorships
$100 Donation will contribute towards raffle prizes
For a $250 donation you will receive a sign sponsored hole
For a $350 donation you will have a sign sponsored hole and a table setup
Donations of giveaways for the participants
*Cost covers 18 holes, cart, and lunch.
**We will accept forms until September 15th or until 34 teams are filled
Sunshine Open Bible Church
3100 Easton Blvd
Des Moines, IA 50317
In check memo write: 'MOVE Golf'
Or make an electronic payment below
select 'MOVE Golf Tourney'